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Friday 8 July 2011

"An age old question: to follow your heart or your mind.. a single girl's lament".

would you go into marriage knowing you'll never feel too strongly for this other person? that he doesnt make your pulse go any quicker?

sometimes i think that's the difference between men and women.. men can choose whom they can love and marry..
women have to make a logical choice. who is the better provider, not just financially but emotionally and intellectually...
more so because when they used their hearts in their past choices, it tends to get their hearts stomped on..or am i just being an idealist?

but maybe i am asking for too much.. for everything in fact.. maybe, i want to have everything.. the sexual attraction, the camaraderie, shared interests, his ability to provide etc etc..

maybe it is ok to give up on the other stuff i.e. sexual attraction in favour of the ability to provide..

when i was 16 years old. all i wanted was to be a housewife and have 2 dozen kids and be passionately in love with my husband. but obviously that didnt happen.. lol.

my friends all tell me, that love will come eventually. if the guy loves you dearly and provides for you.. ... eventually i will feel love and passion for him. and perhaps sexual attraction..will this concept destroy my romantic ideals? why must love and marriage be treated like a business transaction?

my greatest fear is that i will find the love & passion i have been looking for and know that i have to settle for passionless and safe because it will be a good investment for my future....

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