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Friday 15 July 2011

Face Plant Ala Cirque du Soleil

This is a tale of a face plant extraordinaire on the airport tarmac
one moment i was chatting to a travel companion on my way to the plane:  the next moment i was kissing the cement of the runway..
Anyway, to  continue the tale of indignity... well.. as vividly described by my travel companion ....   this is how it happened:
my right leg got stuck on some indentation on the cement when i suddenly jerked to my left towards the plane's stairs direction
 so my right leg stayed where it was whilst the rest of me went forwards towards the left
 then both my arms shot out like doing a push up
whilst my right knee banged on the tarmac - my other leg on the otherhand sprang out ala ballet dance with matching pointed toe
 and then!~ apparently i proceeded to sort of bounce off like a basketball
 so that on each bounce both my arms which were holding me off in a sorta push up way steadily moved from shoulder length to towards my abdomen
 in effect
 creating a see-saw motion on each bounce with my forehead as the "see" and my outreaching left leg in a point toe motion as the "saw... and with my arms in my midsection creating the balance...
 that went on for about 30 seconds of my dear life....
 forehead - toe.. forehead - toe.... see - saw......
 bounce.. bounce.. bounce....bounce……………..
well,  that is if the travel companion who gleefully recounted the scene is to be believed of course. the little !@#$#!@$@$%@#%@#$%...

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